Friday 29 July 2011


I hit the munchies after several premium strength lagers.

Sushi is not only a good hangover cure - see earlier posts - but also a pre-emptive strike against the jakey shakes (DTs). I put it down to the mercury.

I opted for Ichiban as it does some other decent Japanese food - me and their massive bowls of Ramen are a BFFs.

I stoated in off the street like an old jakey hitting a chippy. The sushi came a bit too quick for my liking (fridged). It was ok.

4 slices? That's a half roll for £5?! Bit much. Nae hangover the next day but!!

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Saturday 23 July 2011


Had a heavy night out? Hung over? Breath smells like shit?

Calm yer ham, there's a solution! (Other than a labour intensive fry-up)

Sushi for breakfast!

20 minutes of waiting on your rice sorting itself oot, spread it, tuck it, roll it, cut it, munch the fuck oot it!

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Thursday 21 July 2011


I was starting to worry that I might be beginning to smell a bit 'ocean-y', so I opted for chicken and tomato with chilli mayo ^-^ i know the puritans would not be happy... fuck em. its my dinner and I'll bastardise anything i want to on my way.

The rolling is getting better, its a matter of confidence really. Cutting it up into slices is a pest. Having some 'disembarking' issues... i need a better chib

anyway... in ma belly noo ya bas!
